
Feb 18, 2020
I support AWEIA because being mean to animals is for cowards and they should be out of business!
I just wrote a letter to my Representative, Congressman Joe Kennedy III, in support of a new Bill - HR4211: the Animal Welfare...

Feb 15, 2020
My favorite dog toys for canine enrichment!
As you may have heard me say before (in the What Is Dog Podcast - Click here to listen!), a tired dog does NOT necessarily mean a happy...

Feb 1, 2020
My kitty clients' favorite toys!
The most entertaining cat toys, from a cat sitter! The Mindful Mutt, Boston Cat Sitter, Brookline Cat Sitter.

Jan 28, 2020
Staff Update: New Squad Member!
I am excited to announce The Mindful Mutt's first HUMAN squad member, Sammi Arnold! Sammi lives in Washington Square, is pursuing her MA...

Jan 4, 2020
Happy Fievel Friday! Watch Fievel at the dog park!
One of The Mindful Mutt crowd favorites is this adorable guy named Fievel. He is one-of-a-kind for sure. His giant round eyes and his...